Our Story

The Little Island story began back in 2010 when friends, Tommy and James, set about creating tasty plant-based foods to satisfy the most discerning of fans, their children.
It was a roaring success, and so began the mission to provide great tasting, healthier, ethical, and organic plant-based foods.

Little Island makes its products in New Zealand from natural ingredients, taking great pride and care in our selection.
From single origin coffee to vanilla bean, all our raw ingredients are certified organic by Biogro NZ and are GMO free, with no synthetic additives.
This means everybody gets a good deal all the way from the farm to your fridge and freezer.

Here at the Little Island HQ we take great pride in how we run things. With a natural sense of fairness, we commit to paying all our staff an independently audited living wage.
In the fields and on the farms we make sure farmers and workers are paid what they’re worth by ensuring we only buy from Fairtrade affiliated suppliers and engage in direct-trade everywhere else.
This is a big part of what makes Little Island products more than just how great they taste!